As a boat owner, you want to spend as much time on the water and as little time worrying about your boaters insurance coverage. To help ease your worry, before going out on the water in Ft. Wayne, IN, check your insurance policy to ensure you are fully protected. You have several options available to you when purchasing your boaters insurance policy. For additional information about these options, call the agents at Wise Insurance Agency.
Covered Value
There are two options available when determining the covered value of your vessel. The agreed value is the amount of money you and your insurance company agree is the value of your boat. Actual cash value is how much the boat is worth at the time of the loss, which factors in the vessel’s condition, depreciation, and age.
Collision Damage
Should your watercraft be in an accident, collision damage covers the cost of replacing or repairing it – minus the deductible.
Hull Coverage
Should the boat’s hull be damaged by covered perils, hull coverage will pay to repair it.
Property Damage Liability
If you accidentally damage someone else’s property while in the boat, property damage covers the costs associated with the accident.
Bodily Injury Liability
If there is a boating accident, and you are found legally responsible for it, bodily injury liability covers the costs associated with the injuries of others involved in the accident.
Newly Acquired Watercraft
This feature provides temporary coverage for the boat, motor, and trailer that replaces your damaged boat, motor, or trailer.
Emergency Service
Should your boat become disabled, this provides you coverage to cover expenses such as towing the watercraft, delivery of fuel, and mechanical labor.
These are just some additional boaters insurance features available to boat owners in Ft. Wayne, IN. To learn more about all the different features and to purchase a boaters insurance policy, give our agents at Wise Insurance Agency a call today.