How Much Renters Insurance Do You Need?

Renting a house is far more convenient than renting an apartment. In general, you’ll have more room, fewer neighbors, and the freedom to entertain family and friends. However, renting a residence does not allow you to avoid renters insurance. Renters insurance does not cover the property owner, but it does cover you and your things. At Wise Insurance Agency we are proud to help citizens in Ft. Wayne, IN with all of their renter’s insurance needs. 

How Much Renters Insurance Do I Need?

Simply put, it depends on the belongings you’re insuring! 

Renters insurance, like homeowners insurance, comes in a variety of forms. One policy replaces your personal belongings based on fair market worth, whereas the second coverage replaces them based on replacement expenses. Although more expensive, getting a renters insurance policy based on replacement costs may be the best option if you merely want to replace belongings lost due to fire, theft, or other insured catastrophes. This keeps you from obtaining an indemnity cheque from your insurance carrier that is less than what you expected. 

How to Decide How Much Renters Insurance to Buy 

It is critical to understand how much coverage you would require when purchasing a renters insurance policy. Many financial companies estimate that you will need between $20,000 and $30,000 in coverage, although this varies on the value of the property in your home. The method outlined below will assist you in determining the worth of your personal goods. 

  • Make a list of everything you own, including your clothing. 
  • Determine the worth of each object. 
  • Add up the prices of everything you own and round up.  

With a real value assigned to your possessions, you can now obtain the necessary amount of renters insurance.  

Taking an inventory of your property may be laborious and time-consuming, but it is important in order to acquire the appropriate amount of insurance. Without this amount, you may purchase too much or too little, which might result in you having to pay out of pocket to replace your property in the long term.  

Wise Insurance Agency: Providing Renters Insurance You Can Trust

If you live in or around Ft. Wayne, IN and are renting a home or apartment, let us help you. No one likes to think about disasters striking but if something happened are you and your belongings protected? We can help with that. Give us a call today, and we can create a custom quote.  

Do I Need To Take a Motorcycle Safety Class?

Even if you have been driving a motorcycle for years, it is always important to stay fresh on road safety. Here at Wise Insurance Agency, serving Ft. Wayne, IN, and the surrounding areas,  we want to help bike owners make wise choices on the road.

Who Needs Motorcycle Safety Classes?

These types of safety classes are intended for people who have never driven a motorcycle and for people who have driven before but need a refresher. Driving a motorcycle is very different from driving other types of vehicles. The rules are slightly different for bikes. If you have never driven a motorcycle or if you are very new to driving one, you will definitely need to invest in a good, thorough motorcycle safety class. 

These types of classes are also a good idea for people who have experienced a bike wreck. 

Are Safety Classes Free?

Most safety classes are not free, but you can think of this as an investment into your future safety and well-being. In addition to this, taking a motorcycle safety class will decrease your chances of being in an accident. The fewer accidents you are involved in, the better insurance rates you will qualify for. 

Some insurance policies also offer discounts for those who are willing to take a safety class as well. This can help to save you money in the long run. 

Are Safety Classes Required By Law?

Motorcycle safety classes are not often required by law. However, it can help to make you a safer biker on the road, which benefits everyone. 

If you would like to learn about motorcycle insurance coverage, please contact us at Wise Insurance Agency serving Ft. Wayne, IN and the surrounding areas. 

How to prepare your boat for a storm

Preparing your boat for an oncoming storm is crucial to ensure the safety of you and your boat. Here are a few tips from us at Wise Insurance Agency to ensure that you are adequately prepared while in the Ft. Wayne, IN area or anywhere you set sail.

How to prepare your boat for a storm

1.) Check out the forecast

Before heading out on the water, it is always best to check out weather forecasts so that you can plan accordingly. If a storm is expected, proceed with caution or reschedule your voyage until after the storm passes.

2.) Secure loose items

You want to make sure any loose items such as sails, halyards, or ropes are securely tied down in order to prevent them from becoming hazardous projectiles due to strong winds. Additionally, it’s important to cover and secure any fragile items like electronics or fuel tanks to protect them from potential damage. 

3.) Anchor safely

Choose a location that has plenty of shelter from high winds and waves to anchor more securely. Make sure that your anchor rope is long enough and securely attached so that it won’t break away during the storm. 

4.) Prepare a ‘storm kit’

Keeping essential items such as extra supplies (food & water), flashlights, life jackets, etc. stored together near the entrance of the boat will keep them easily accessible during an emergency situation caused by foul weather conditions. 

Get Boat Insurance Today

By taking these precautions before setting off on your voyage, you can be confident knowing you have done all that’s necessary to prepare for any upcoming storms and stay safe while out on the open waters!  For more tips, and for the best insurance coverage for your watercraft, call us at the Wise Insurance Agency today. We proudly serve the Ft. Wayne, IN area.

Should I Consider Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is not a requirement for those who live in the Ft. Wayne, IN region, though it is an option many consider to protect them in various avenues of life. Your Wise Insurance Agency representative can further help you determine what types of umbrella insurance to consider. 

Why Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is designed to work together with policies that you have already procured, and this means that there are available indemnifications for almost every major insurance category. 

Your standard indemnification will carry limits to protect you against various covered perils, but when these caps are reached, your umbrella insurance will begin to pay for expenses. These ceilings are typically much higher than your primary policy and can extend into millions of dollars. 

If your company does business in a manner that can see lawsuits of exorbitant amounts, for example, an umbrella insurance policy is one way to make sure you won’t be bankrupted by a product or service failure. Another benefit of umbrella insurance is that it will contain other insurance subtypes to cover additional types of hazards. 

People who own specialty vehicles, rare, or hard-to-replace cars may opt for a higher coverage value due to the unlikely scenario that regular automobile insurance can completely cover costs. 

Likewise, if your home is particularly valuable or you own items that are heirlooms or costly, umbrella insurance may be a good choice. This same principle can also apply to renters insurance, as your personal possessions will be a consideration in the coverage you choose. 

Wise Insurance Agency is Here to Help

We can put together a specialized insurance package to meet your every need, and we invite you to speak to one of our trained associates to discuss the particulars of your situation. We serve clients who live in and around the Ft. Wayne, IN area. 

What to Consider When Insuring a Used Car

A thorough, current car insurance policy is more than just a good idea for Ft. Wayne, IN drivers. It’s illegal to drive any car without it, and this includes used vehicles. Here’s what to consider when talking to your Wise Insurance Agency representative about which policy is best for you.

Insuring a Used Car

You can add your used car to an existing policy

If you already own other vehicles, it’s usually possible to add a used car you’re thinking about purchasing to your existing policy. But you may wish to talk to your insurance agent before doing so. They’ll be able to help you figure out which option is the best fit for your household’s unique needs.

You may need insurance to drive your car off the lot

In most states, it’s illegal to drive a car without insurance in the state of Indiana. And, yes, this technically includes driving it off the lot once you’ve purchased it. In fact, most dealerships will expect you to prove you’re insured before allowing you to do so, so you’ll want to get your auto insurance squared away before finalizing your purchase.

Your age may affect your rate

Many factors can affect the final rate attached to your used car’s auto insurance policy, but age is one many drivers forget to consider. In many cases, rates go up for higher-risk age groups, like senior citizens and young drivers. But some factors – like spotless driving records – can help offset risk factors, so ask your agent to assess your situation.

Get Auto Insurance Today

Overall, it’s often cheaper and easier to insure a used Ft. Wayne, IN car than it is a newer model, as they’re generally not as valuable. But some makes or models may cost more than others, just as with new vehicles. Get in touch with your Wise Insurance Agency agent today to discuss your options!

4 Benefits of Condo Insurance

Condominiums are gaining popularity in the US as a means of acquiring shelter or investment. Regrettably, many Ft. Wayne, IN residents assume that purchasing condo insurance isn’t necessary because they have the condo association (COA) policy.

The master policy held by the condo association is not enough to guarantee maximum coverage for your condo. Therefore, buying condo insurance from Wise Insurance Agency is prudent to safeguard your assets and other areas of your life.

Here are the benefits of condo insurance:

Condo insurance safeguards you from lawsuits

Have you ever wondered what can transpire when a visitor is injured while residing on your property, and they sue you? Condo insurance caters to legal fees and other awarded damages to the third party if they file a case.

It covers your assets

Your COA policy covers your condo’s exterior. However, you are responsible for the damage to your assets and the condo’s interior. If you want to protect your furniture, electronics, and other assets, please invest in condo insurance.

It helps to cover medical expenses

What happens if your guests slip and break their legs while residing within your condominium complex? If any guest gets injured within your condominium, condo insurance caters to medical costs that might have been incurred. It also extends coverage to any injury inflicted by your pet or family member, irrespective of where that injury happens.

It provides loss-of-use coverage

What happens when your condominium gets damaged and becomes uninhabitable? Worry not because condo insurance caters to additional expenses, such as accommodation fees and food, while your condo is being repaired or rebuilt.

Get Condo Insurance Today

Are you a condominium owner in Ft. Wayne, IN, searching for affordable condo insurance? Call or visit us at Wise Insurance Agency and get more information about condo insurance.

Don’t go another winter without comprehensive home protection

Homeowners in the greater Ft. Wayne, IN area can turn to the team at Wise Insurance Agency for all of their insurance needs. We understand how important it is to protect one’s family home, and we are here to help. Give our office a call today and schedule an appointment to learn more about the options that are available in our area. 

Make sure your home is well-protected this winter

Winters in our area can be pretty brutal, and it’s important to have a homeowners policy that provides the protection you need. Now is an ideal time to closely review your current policy and check for any gaps in coverage. Having the right policy for protecting your home is more important in winter than at other times of the year.

Our team can help you review your policy and determine if it provides the protection you want this winter. If you determine that it’s time for a more robust policy, we can help you upgrade to a more comprehensive policy. There’s no reason to go through another winter without the protection that you need to protect your home.

Comprehensive home policies can provide a higher level of protection just when you need it most. Don’t hesitate to call on us with any questions or concerns that you may have. Our team has the knowledge and experience necessary to help you with all of your insurance needs. 

Give us a call today!

Wise Insurance Agency is here to help our friends and neighbors in Ft. Wayne, IN and the surrounding area with all of their home insurance policies. If you have questions about your current policy or are in the process of buying a new home, you can rely on us! Call or stop by today. 

Important Tips to Consider When Looking for Renter’s Insurance

Indiana is an ideal state to settle down in. It is a low-tax, low-crime rate, and scenic location with all the right amenities to build a home. If you are looking to come and study, work, or reside here, you want to consider covering your rented house and the property within with renters insurance. Wise Insurance Agency in Ft. Wayne, IN can provide you with expert insurance advice on this important coverage.

Is Renter’s Insurance Required?

No law specifically requires renters insurance, but your landlord may ask for it. Renters insurance is intended for residents planning to rent a home and covers what is inside the property, not the structure itself.

What Coverage Is Available Under Renter’s Insurance?

  • Personal property insurance: this covers the property inside your house from events such as water damage, theft, fire, vandalism, smoke, vehicular accidents, and other risks.
  • Third-party liability: This coverage caters to the cost should someone get injured on your property or should anyone listed on your cover cause damage to a neighbor.
  • Loss of use: should you be unable to access your home because of events such as fire, tornadoes, or any other natural disaster, this insurance cover will help you access accommodation, food, laundry, and other essential amenities.

How Much Does Renter’s Insurance Cost in Indiana?

Renter’s insurance is reasonably cost-effective, and it is often up to you to decide the level of coverage you need. The value will depend on the property within your home and what coverage is of utmost priority to you.

Contact Us Today

Many landlords ask their renters for this insurance coverage as they may not be able to replace your property and valuables should anything happen. Please visit Wise Insurance Agency in Ft. Wayne, IN for more information about renter’s insurance.

What Are Some Common Optional Motorcycle Insurance Coverages?

Motorcycle insurance is a must for all riders. But what kind of coverage should you get? There are many optional motorcycle insurance coverages available, and it can be tough to decide which ones are right for you. Consult with Wise Insurance Agency in Ft. Wayne, IN to understand your options and help determine what’s right for you.

Here are some of the most common optional coverages:

Roadside Assistance

Roadside assistance is great coverage if you’re worried about breakdowns or accidents. This coverage can help you get back on the road quickly and safely. Consider adding this coverage to your policy if you’re a frequent rider. It could save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Towing and Labor Coverage

If you’re stranded on the side of the road, this coverage can help get you and your bike back home. This coverage typically reimburses you for the cost of a tow up to a certain limit. It may also cover the cost of labor if you need to have your bike repaired on the spot.

Custom Parts and Equipment Coverage

This coverage is vital for bikers who have made significant investments in customizing their motorcycles. If your bike is damaged or stolen, this coverage can help you cover the cost of repairs or replacement. Talk to Wise Insurance Agency in Ft. Wayne IN, to ensure your investment is well protected.

Medical Payments Coverage

If you’re injured in an accident, medical payments coverage can help cover your medical expenses. This type of coverage is often included in health insurance policies, but it’s worth considering if you don’t have health insurance.

Contact Us Today

There are many optional motorcycle insurance coverages available, and the right choice for you will depend on your specific needs. Consider your riding habits and the value of your bike when choosing which coverages to add to your policy. Remember, Wise Insurance Agency in Ft. Wayne, IN is always here to help you make the best decision for your needs. Give us a call today.

What Will My Boat Insurance Policy Cover?

Boat insurance protects your investment and keeps you covered in case of an accident or disaster. Most boat insurance policies have an agreed value clause, which means that the company will only pay the current value of the boat if it’s damaged or stolen. Consult with Wise Insurance Agency in Ft. Wayne, IN for expert insurance advice.

Boat Insurance: What You Need To Know

Most boat insurance policies will offer some degree of protection against accidents and negligence, as well as weather conditions that could cause significant damage to your boat. Most policies come with a variety of standard and optional coverage options, so you can choose the levels of risk and coverage that are most appropriate for your situation. 

Boat insurance policies vary, but most will cover things like damage to the boat, medical bills from accidents on the water, and liability if someone is injured either on the boat or by it. Depending on your policy, you may also have coverage for things like ferrying services if your boat breaks down or emergency towing if you’re in a collision or run aground. 

You may also receive coverage for the cost of hiring a contractor if you sink or capsize your boat. Boat insurance policies can also offer protection against certain liabilities, such as passenger injuries. They may cover the cost of towing and storage if your boat becomes disabled due to mechanical issues, or medical bills if someone on board is injured due to negligence on the part of the boat’s captain. 

Give Us A Call

What one provider considers “standard” coverage might be completely unnecessary for your situation. A different provider may consider essential coverage to be completely excessive for your situation. The best way to determine the right boat insurance policy is to shop around and ask questions. Contact us today at Wise Insurance Agency for inquiries in Ft. Wayne, IN.